
Learn more about the work at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Scientific Careers Research & Development Group through our publications. Visit our Research page to see more of our work.

 National Longitudinal Study of Young Life Scientists

The National Longitudinal Study of Young Life Scientists: Career differentiation among a diverse group of biomedical PhD students. (2020) Wood CV, Jones RF, Remich RG, Caliendo AE, Langford NC, Keller JL, et al. PLoS ONE 15 (6).

An Incredibly steep hill: How gender, race, and class shape perspectives on academic careers among beginning biomedical PhD students. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. (2016) Wood CV, Campbell PB, McGee R. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 22(2).

How Women in Biomedical PhD Programs Manage Gender Consciousness as They Persist Toward Academic Research Careers. (2016) Remich R, Jones R, Wood CV, Campbell PB, McGee R. Academic Medicine 91(8).

Scientific Growth and Identity Development during a Postbaccalaureate Program: Results from a Multisite Qualitative Study. (2016) Remich R, Naffziger-Hirsch ME, Gazley JL, McGee R. CBE Life Science Education 15(3).

Beyond preparation: Identity cultural capital, and readiness for graduate school in the biomedical sciences. (2014) Gazley JL, Remich R, Naffziger-Hirsch ME, Keller J, Campbell P, McGee R. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(8).

 The Academy for Future Science Faculty

Providing Social Support for Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minority PhD Students in the Biomedical Sciences: A Career Coaching Model. (2017) Williams SN, Thakore BK, McGee R. CBE—Life Sciences Education. 16(62).

Coaching to Augment Mentoring to Achieve Faculty Diversity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (2016) Williams SN, Thakore BK, McGee R. Academic Medicine 91(8).

Career Coaches as a Source of Vicarious Learning for Racial and Ethnic Minority PhD Students in the Biomedical Sciences: A Qualitative Study. (2016) Williams SN, Thakore BK, McGee R. PLoS One 11(7).

The Academy for Future Science Faculty: randomized controlled trial of theory-driven coaching to shape development and diversity of early-career scientists. (2014) Thakore BK, Naffziger-Hirsch ME, Richardson JL, Williams SN, McGee R. BMC Medical Education, 14.

 Diversity in STEM

Scientific Societies Fostering Inclusivity in the Life Sciences Through Engagement of Undergraduate Scientists. (2022) Primus C, Zimmerman AN, Terovolas AK, Block KF, Brown CG, Burton MD, Edwards A, Etson CM, Flores SC, Fry C, Guillory AN, Ingram SL, McGee R, et al. Frontiers in Education. 7.

The role of institutional level/strengths-based approaches in fueling Black males’ success strategies. (in press) Gazley, J. Lynn & Campbell, Patricia B. In Unveiling the Cloak of Invisibility: Why Black Males are absent in STEM Disciplines (Anthony G. Robins ed.) Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing. 

The formation and role of social belonging in on-campus integration of diverse first-generation college students. (in press) Salusky, I., Monjaras-Gaytan, L., Ulerio, G., Forbes, N., Perron, G. & Raposa, E. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice.

The structural violence of DACA and youth resistance. (in press) Rivera CS, Salusky I, Sanchez B & Torres SA. Journal of Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology.

Everyday acts of resistance: Mexican, undocumented immigrant children and adolescents navigating oppression with mentor support. (in press) Sanchez B, Garcia Y, Monjaras-Gaytan L, Thursby K, Ulerio G, de los Reyes W, Salusky I & Rivera C. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

Making it to the finish line: Educational resilience among Dominican women of Haitian descent. (2021) Salusky I & Tull M. Race, Ethnicity and Education. Race Ethnicity and Education.

The role of resilience in Black men’s success in STEM graduate programs. (2020) Gazley, J. Lynn & Campbell, Patricia B. Journal of Negro Education. 89, 3.  

Scientific societies fostering inclusivity through speaker diversity in annual meeting programming: a call to action. (2020) Segarra VA, Primus C, Unguez GA, Edwards A, Etson C, Flores SC, Fry C, Guillory AN, Ingram SL, Lawson M, McGee R, et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31(23).

Artic Indigenous youth, learning life skills and well-being: Schools versus family time on the land. (2020) Salusky I, Wexler L, Amorak B & Kral M. Journal of Youth Studies.

Infusing equity in systemic reform: Influencing the understanding of equity and excellence. (2018) Campbell, PB & Jolly, E. In Projecting Forward: Learnings from Educational System Reform (L. Williams & M Cousins, eds.) Bedford MA: COMAP Inc.

A summary report from the research partnership on women in science careers. (2018) Carr PL, Helitzer D, Freund K, Westring A, McGee R, Campbell PB, Wood CV & Villablanca A Journal of General Internal Medicine. 34(3).

Improving underrepresented minority student persistence in STEM. (2016) Estrada M, Burnett M, Campbell AG, Campbell PB, et al. CBE-Life Science Education 15(3).

Levels of student participation and stages of relevant curriculum. (2016) Hu, H & Campbell PB. In IEEE Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) Conference.

Identifying Future Scientists: Predicting persistence into research training. McGee, R and Keller, JL (2007) CBE-Life Sciences Education 6(40).

Internship experiences contribute to confident career decision making for doctoral students in the life sciences. (2018) Schnoes AM. Caliendo A, Morand J, Dillinger T, Naffziger-Hirsch M, Moses B, O Brien T. CBE Life Sciences Education, 17(1).

 Mentoring in Academic Science

Historically underrepresented college students and institutional natural mentors: An ecological analysis of the development of these relationships at predominantly white institutions. (2022) Monjaras-Gaytan L, Sanchez B & Salusky I, Schwartz SEO. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(2).

The ASPET Mentoring Network: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion through Career Coaching Groups within a Scientific Society. (2020) Womack VY, Thakore BK, Wood CV, Jewett DC, Jones RF, Ingram SL, Clark JA, Fry CL, Wecker L, McGee R. CBE—Life Sciences Education 19.

Culturally aware mentorship: Lasting impacts of a novel intervention on academic administrators and faculty. (2020) Womack VY, Wood CV, House SC, Quinn SC, Thomas SB, McGee R, Byars-Winston A. PLoS One 15(8).

The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM. (2019). National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Policy and Global Affairs; Board on Higher Education and Workforce; Committee on Effective Mentoring in STEMM. The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM. Dahlberg ML, Byars-Winston A, editors. Washington (DC): National Academies Press.

Pilot study of an intervention to increase cultural awareness in research mentoring: Implications for diversifying the scientific workforce. (2018) Byars-Winston A, Womack V, Butz AR, McGee R, Quinn SC, Utzerath E, Saetermoe C, Thomas SB. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science 2.

A new approach to mentoring for research careers: the National Research Mentoring Network. (2017) Sorkness CA, et. Al. BMC Proceedings 11(Suppl 12).

Biomedical Workforce Diversity: The Context for Mentoring to Develop Talents and Foster Success Within the “Pipeline”. (2016) McGee R. AIDS and Behavior 20 (Suppl 2).

Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce: Developing Talent. (2012) McGee R, Saran S, Krulwich TA. Mt Sinai Journal of Medicine 79.

Collaborative co-mentored dissertations spanning institutions: Influence on student Development. (2007) McGee R and DeLong MJ. CBE-Life Science Education 6(2).

 Grant-Writing Training

Variations of a group coaching intervention to support early-career biomedical researchers in Grant proposal development: a pragmatic, four-arm, group-randomized trial. (2022) Weber-Main AM, Engler J, McGee R, et. Al. BMC Medical Education 22(1).

Grant application outcomes for biomedical researchers who participated in the National Research Mentoring Network's Grant Writing Coaching Programs. (2020) Weber-Main AM, McGee R, Eide Boman K, et. Al. PLoS One 15(11).

Enhancing research careers: an example of a US national diversity-focused, grant-writing training and coaching experiment. (2017) Jones HP, McGee R, Weber-Main AM, Buchwald DS, Manson SM, Vishwanatha JK, Okuyemi KS. BMC Proceedings 11(Suppl 12):16.